Talk: How much is too much?
When does it go from low risk fun to harmful? Low risk is 14 units for women and 21 units for men in one week.
Binge is defined as 7unit/day for women and 10 for men
There is a misconception that moderate alcohol can be good for you. This is not true. Alcohol increases the risk of cancers of the gut and breast, cirrhosis and then cancer, Osteoporosis.
The correct measurement of units in various drinks were discussed in order to better understand alcohol consumption
75% of alcohol is consumed as part of a binge session
65% 18-24 year old drinkers consume more than 6 standard drinks(binge on a typical occasion
61% of us underestimate our alcohol intake
€50.6million is spent on alcohol in a week in Ireland
European Survey of Last months drinking
Half had drunk alcohol
40% had 5+ drinks on one occasion
23% had 1+ episode of drunkenness
9% girls and 13% boys were drunk for the first time under 13 years age
84% said alcohol was easy to get
11% had given their teenager a drink at home
23% thought it was beneficial to introduce children to alcohol in the home
63% said it wasn’t
The effects of alcohol in liver disease
Emphasis was placed on a personalized discussion dependent on individuals
Stage of liver disease
Advanced disease or cirrhosis-None
After liver transplant-None but if stable for a number of years within the low risk limits
If NAFLD-May be beneficial<1 drink per day
Personal condition (cirrhosis/portal hypertension/NAFLD/liver transplant)
No drinking under 16
Aim to delay the onset of drinking
‘enforcing’ abstinence in >16 may do more harm that good
Giving alcohol at home to teenagers gives mixed messages
Don’t drink in front of children
Monitor your child
Increased risk of unprotected sex
No binging
Minimum 2 consecutive days with out alcohol for liver repair & regeneration
Eat prior to drinking And ‘pace’ yourself
Don’t drink alone for psychological reasons
Don’t drink outside mealtimes
Buy a measure for home if you drink spirits
Use smaller wine glasses (know exactly how many units you’re drinking)
Maintain a healthy diet/exercise regime
Drink 2-4 cups of coffee daily.
Allow open conversation concerning alcohol with children at an early age.