AGM 2017 6th May

CLDI Annual General Meeting 2017

Red Cow Moran Hotel

Saturday May 6th 2017 – 10.30 to 15.00


10.30-11.00                Registration. Tea and Coffee.


11.00-11.30                Review of actions set out at 2016 AGM and CLDI accounts


11.30-12.30               Discussion of current priorities and AOB


12.30-1.30                 Lunch


1.30 – 2.30                 Agree and set out actions going forward


2.30 -3.00                 Review and Conclusion


Areas for discussions to include


  1. Transport to UK

  2. Medical Cards – discussion and experiences of new system

  3. Connecting people, how is this going?

  4. Hardship fund

  5. Emergency bags

  6. Treatment Abroad

  7. Annual day




  • Critical Illness Cover

  • New Children’s Hospital







 CLDI Annual General Meeting 2017

Red Cow Moran Hotel

Saturday May 5th 2017 – 10.30 to 15.00


10.30-11.00                Registration. Tea and Coffee.


11.00-11.30    Review of actions set out at 2016 AGM and CLDI accounts


11.30-12.30    Discussion of current priorities and AOB


12.30-1.30                 Lunch


1.30 – 2.30                 Agree and set out actions going forward


2.30 -3.00                 Review and Conclusion


Areas for discussions to include


  1. Transport to UK

  2. Medical Cards – discussion and experiences of new system

  3. Connecting people, how is this going?

  4. Hardship fund

  5. Emergency bags

  6. Treatment Abroad

  7. Annual day




  • Critical Illness Cover

  • New Children’s Hospital